miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016

#OneShitShowPerDay trip begins!

I meant to start this blog as I started this trip. Much has happened since I left Bay Area (Hell Area) with Irina an Olive, and much more has yet to happen. The story picked its own name as since the very first day we run into #OneShitShowPerDay. It will take me some time for me to catch up and I would probably leave some of the shitshows we went through out since memories, even the intense ones, cool down fast. You can always check out some of the trip pictures, shitshows and other occurrences at my Instagram profile @the_lost_spaniard.

A spaniard (lost) at OWL Walnut Creek in the eve of this trip
Follow my adventures and let me know what you think. Advice for shitshow troubleshooting is welcome!

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