martes, 2 de agosto de 2016

A Pile of Shit Shows!

So many shit shows to report from the first month in the #OneShitShowPerDay trip. The good thing about shit shows is that you learn a ton from them. You rarely get on the same shit show a second time, well sometimes I do, but I am just a very stubborn Spaniard. Here it goes:

On day two, we got lectured a by a cranky dog owner about how we should train our little beast. Apparently, her personal experience counted more than our profesional and awesome trainer Kathy advice. 

On day three of the trip, we got kick out of our "site" in the middle of the night by two rangers. We learned that national parks are not the best spot to camp overnight without a permit, not even inside your van. We also learned that you can sleep overnight at any rest area without being disturbed. You can actually celebrate 4th of July in one of them with fireworks and all!
Rest stop fireworks in Oregon
On day four, some @astrasg! ATGEA@##! ZSDGAW$! messed up my mirror on a parking lot in Portland. So we had both a duct taped window and a mirror. That same day, we decided that it would be a great a idea to go sight seeing in Portland on a tandem bike. Narrow uphill bridges! What can I say..? 

Sharing a ride
On day six, Irina went back to SFO. That is not quite a shitshow but it is always shitty. 

Next couple of weeks the biggest shit show was the constant rain that welcomed us to Squamish. The most popular question I got before the start of the trip was: Are you living in the van with your dog? No one thought, not even me, what the hell do you do if it rains all day long! 
Raincoat outfit for almost two weeks!
During Irina's first visit, we rented an airbnb basement for a ton of money, almost killed the dog on a bike ride, wrangled through traffic jams in Vancouver... All of it pretty fun! 
Hot dogs in Vancouver. 
We went to the beautiful Alice lake park twice. First time, I ran 4 miles with a one pound dog poop in a bag. Second time, Irina got kicked out by bear cubs. 
Olive contemplating the beautiful Alice Lake while a I pick up her poo. 
I climbed the two remaining peaks at the Chief. Yes, I made it to the top of the second peak with Olive by climbing some metal stairs with her under one arm. I also got lost hiking out of the third peak and ended up trapped in some bushes.
The Chief Second Peak. First dog ascent of the direct route?
In addition, we got called on animal services for leaving Olive in the car (in the shade!). We were woken up by a fellow that wanted to park by us and did not have enough space. Got to love loading and unloading the van every single time you need anything. Got eaten by mosquitoes in a couple of occasions.

So many more things that I have probably forgotten. If it has not been #OneShitShowPerDay, it has been truly close to it, but it is all about the learning process. I am enjoying the ride! 

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